Luis Góngora

Luis Góngora

July 01, 1561 – May 24, 1627
Place of Birth: Córdoba, Spain
Place of Death: Córdoba, Spain

Góngora other people bearing the surname Góngora (surname) the plant genus Gongora Luis de Góngora y Argote (born Luis de Argote y Góngora) (lwiz ðe ˈɣoŋɡoɾa; 11 July 1561 – 24 May 1627) was a Spanish Baroque lyric poet. Góngora and his lifelong rival, Francisco de Quevedo, are widely considered the most prominent Spanish poets of all time. His style is characterized by what was called culteranismo, also known as Gongorismo. This style existed in stark contrast to Quevedo's conceptismo.