Mohammed al-Alami

Mohammed al-Alami

1698 – 1756

Mohammed ibn Mohammed ibn Musa ibn Mohammed al-Sharqi al-Sumayli ibn Tayyib al-Fasi al-Alami (1698-1756) was a famous Moroccan linguist, historian and scholar of fikh (law) and hadith. He is the author of sixteen books on grammar and morphology, nine books on lexicography, a large number of books on quranic interpretation and exegesis, hadith, sufism, fiqh and biographies of famous poets and scholars of Al-Andalus. He also wrote The Companion of the Performer (al-Anis al-Mutrib). One of his many teachers was the music theorist Bu 'Isami (d. ca. 1103 AH/1690 AD). Ibn al-Tayyib is the author of a well known rihla, Rihla ila al-Hijaz.