I dreamt of my daughter. She came and stroked my forelock with her hand. — Oh you have been away for long! — se told me, The child cast her glance right into my soul. My head was going round for joy,...
The exhaustion of prison is taking its toll. All the days and the nights arc anguish. Every hope, every passion that stirred my soul My confinement strives to extinguish....
One day a young enchantress told her suitor, A prince whose passion nothing could allay: “If you want me to believe your ardour, Go, Shah-zadeh, your royal brother slay.”...
The verdict was announced today: He Is sentenced to death. Only tears that were seething in his chest. Are all gone... and he is not crying. it is calm in the prison... from the nocturnal sky...
If they bring news to you about me, If they say: «He is tired, he is lagging behind, he fell down», Do not believe, my dearly loved! This word My friends will never utter, if they believe in me!...
The day is fading, yet I still stand With a heavy heart and silent thought And gaze upon the forest wall That rises up around me naught. Perhaps the partisans have lit A bonfire in the evening air...
When with the light of dawn I am awaking, Or when I sink into sleep's dark abyss, I have a feeling that there's something wanting, That there is something very much amiss....
There is a woman in the world alone. I like her more than anything, The whole world she could captivate, But this beauty is married. — Is she in love with her husband?...
Our execution’s soon ‒ we’ve out been taken, And lined up in a solitary spot... In order not to see a deed so shameful, The sun behind the hill has promptly dropped....
Don't take it hard, my friend, this too - soon exit. Immortal life... who bought, or made a deal? You see, the kind of life a fellow chooses Marks off his years and on them sets its seal....
Where can I find sufficient strength and force That could reverse the Dvina’s normal course, And speed me, pillowed on its swirling foam, Back to my native country, to my home?...
I will not Kneel in front of you, executioner, Even though I am your prisoner, I am a slave in your prison. When my time comes — I will die. But be aware: I will die standing up,...